
How To Get Consumers To Engage With Your Brand

Cheryl Breukelman
December 10, 2021
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Finding ways to either bring in new customers or increase the loyalty of your current ones can often be tricky. There are many aspects that you’ll need to consider, but one of the more universal ones is how well consumers engage with you. If a customer is more engaged with you or your product, they will be more likely to remember you and shop with you again in the future. If that sounds like an area of marketing you’d like to pursue, then you’ll want to continue reading our top tips on how to get consumers to engage with your brand.

Put Some Meaning Into Your Brand

If your company is just like every other one out there, you’re never going to stand out, no matter how great your product is. You need to create a brand image that sticks out and has a purpose that people can get behind. We can’t tell you how many times we’ve seen people overpay for a product simply because some of the proceeds go to people in need.

People like to make a difference but don’t like to go out of their way to do so. That means that if you build your brand around one, people will be more likely to shop with you.

Create Memorable Experiences

Making sure your company treats customers well, makes them a priority, and fixes any wrongs are all solid ways to keep people engaged, but have you ever considered creating experiences outside of the typical consumer-to-business transaction? If not, you need to do this. You can throw mini events at your locations or have an online concert through your social media account.

The goal is to get people talking about you outside of their regular time as a consumer because that is when they are most likely to be engaged. Standard transactions are boring—nightly events are not.

Enhance Traditional Media

We don’t think you should try experimental marketing practices with the entirety of your advertisement budget. Obviously, you want to have some surefire ways to attract people in case your more extreme attempts aren’t pulling any results.

However, that doesn’t mean you need to be dull with them. For example, if you’ve seen success with billboard advertisements, try out a couple of electronic message boards. They have many benefits that can increase engagement, but the biggest, by far, is the fact that they can easily implement movement to grab people’s attention, unlike traditional billboards.

Don’t Forget To Engage Yourself

The most vital tip on how to get consumers to engage with your brand is to engage back with them. If consumers are trying to talk to you online, you need to make sure someone is there to respond when they do. The number one way to drive engagement is to be there to churn it when it starts happening. Otherwise, it will quickly fizzle out, and people will move on to more enticing brands.

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