
5 Practical Tips for Brand New C-Level Executives

Charlie Medakovic
November 3, 2022
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It finally happened! You got the promotion you were hoping for and are now labeled a “C-Level” executive within your company. You walk in on your first day in your new role - and realize the weight of new responsibilities, additional influence, and changing goals. In these situations, executive coaching services are useful to guide leaders in the right direction.

Through the use of conversations coaches assist leaders in developing decision making skills and help leaders zero in on those leadership qualities that need to be improved in themselves. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to experience coaching services before promotion, so we’ve compiled a list of 5 practical tips that every new C-Suite Executive should know.

Shifting into the mindset of a managerial role of a C-Level Executive, such as a CFO or COO, means holding a senior position and making company wide decisions. Having the title of chief, leaders are considered “experts” of their field and therefore are generally in charge of a unit within the company. You need to be able to work together with conflicting opinions while ensuring that the true values, plans, and policies created by the business are reflected through your actions.

1. Learn how to prioritize.

To be a successful leader in a C-level role, you need to be able to prioritize what needs to get done and the importance of each task. Being in charge of tens, hundreds or even thousands of employees means that along with the demands of your role, you must prioritize the demands of your people. Having this amount of responsibility means learning how to effectively manage your attention to meet expectations for yourself and your team.

2. Get to the point.

There’s nothing that heightens anxiety or kills interest more in a meeting than when managers beat around the bush about the topic of discussion. If there are company issues, your team wants to know about it. If you get lost in details, your team will get lost in their thoughts. Ask good questions that inspire thought provoking answers and get your people involved. Not only will this promote loyalty to C-level executives, but it will bring fresh ideas and opinions to the table.

3. Consider your effect on business.

It’s essential for new C-level executives to know their reach and understand the influence that they now have in their position. Team members look up to leaders in such roles to make decisions and keep them informed on the goings-on of the company. Your daily actions, big and small, can cause a ripple that is widespread and felt by the whole team – so do your best to keep them positive! Executive coaching services are there for leaders who have realized their reach but want to do more for themselves, and those working around them.

4. Trust your team.

Time and time again we see evidence of businesses thriving with executives who are new to the field but succeed because they are a great fit for the leadership role. We’re learning that having fundamental business and leadership skills is more effective than expertise and functional skills! Remember in this new C-level role to lead with integrity and a person-first attitude to create connections that improve not only your performance, but your experience too.

5. Continue learning daily.

Influential leaders show trust in their team by seeking out new opinions from them that push the company and all employees to success. They want to learn more from others because they value different perspectives and mindsets.

This also applies to technology and trending topics from outlets that keep leaders up to date. Getting stuck in patterns is a fast-track route to struggling in a position and feeling the effects of burnout. The business world moves fast so keep up!

The best way to succeed as a new C-level executive is to put your best effort into leadership development and creating a healthy and happy company culture. Connect with your team and feel the response you get. If you don’t know what to do to get into this mindset, consider connecting with a leader using executive coaching services who can help you develop these essential skills and perspectives.



Read the following articles for more insight into leadership development and executive coaching services.

  1. 7 Ways Leaders Can build a "Coaching Culture" For Employees
  2. 5 Tips for Building a More Effective Executive Team
  3. Workplace Wellness Culture: It's Not Just a Fad

7 Ways Leaders Can Build a “Coaching Culture” for Employees

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