
What To Know About Conflict Avoidant Leadership

Charlie Medakovic
September 19, 2023
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Leadership, at its core, revolves around building strong relationships based on trust and mutual respect. While maintaining these bonds is seemingly effortless when everything is smooth sailing, the real challenge emerges during times of conflict. Surprisingly, many leaders without executive coaching experience choose the path of conflict avoidance, hoping to preserve their professional rapport. Yet this approach, known as conflict avoidant leadership, can have far-reaching repercussions.

The Pitfalls of Evading Disagreements

At a glance, sidestepping minor skirmishes might seem like the secret to maintaining a peaceful team environment. It offers an illusion of harmony and unity. But on a closer look, this tactic of avoidance can sow seeds of deeper issues both for the leader and the team.

Stunted Growth in Leadership Skills

Avoiding difficult conversations might seem like a relief in the short run, but it's a long-term detriment. Avoided conflicts are a missed opportunity to hone the essential skill of conflict resolution. Leadership, like any other skill, requires practice. When leaders continually dodge challenging discussions, they inadvertently become less equipped to handle bigger, more complex disputes that could arise in the future. Executive coaching addresses these issues head on and assists leaders in coming to conclusions about their behavior and the impact it has on their people.

Setting a Lower Bar for Team Behavior

When issues aren't addressed, it sends a clear message to the team: such behaviors are tolerated, perhaps even acceptable. Over time, these unchecked actions and attitudes become the norm, lowering the overall team's standards and work ethic. Minor problems, when ignored, tend to grow, becoming challenges that can threaten the team's harmony and productivity.

Mastering the Art of Conflict-Driven Leadership

Conflict, when approached with the right mindset and tools, can become a catalyst for growth and bonding. It offers a chance to not only address pressing issues but to strengthen ties with team members. For those looking to perfect this art, the insights from professional executive coaching can prove invaluable.

Here's a roadmap to navigating conflict:


Kick-start Constructive Conversations

The first step is often the hardest - initiating the dialogue. Leaders should not wait for the perfect moment; instead, they should create it. Setting aside time for one-on-one meetings to address concerns head-on is crucial. But it's not just about talking; it's about preparing. Before any such meeting, leaders should introspect, identifying potential solutions that focus on the issue and not on the individual involved. This ensures that the conversation remains productive and does not veer into blame territory.

Champion a Collaborative Spirit

The tone of the conversation is as important as its content. Leaders should steer clear of the blame game. Instead, they should pivot to phrases that emphasize collaboration, like "how can we best work together on this?" Such a stance ensures that the conversation is rooted in mutual respect and growth, minimizing any feelings of being singled out or targeted.

Embracing Conflict as a Tool for Growth

Conflict avoidant leadership might offer a temporary salve, but it's not a sustainable strategy. By repositioning conflicts as growth opportunities, leaders can foster an environment where issues are addressed proactively, relationships are strengthened, and team standards are upheld. This approach ensures that the team remains cohesive, productive, and driven. If the navigation through the maze of conflict resolution seems daunting, remember that resources like executive coaching are available. Such tools can offer new strategies and mindsets to help you to become a stronger leader.

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