
4 Challenges Remote Work Executives Face in 2022

Charlie Medakovic
April 29, 2022
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A leadership coaching program can be the puzzle piece needed to solve communication, connection, and performance faults for organizations whose leaders are struggling to provide what’s needed to their employees.

But why are so many leaders overwhelmed by their roles?

Employees are not the only ones who have had to deal with changes to their established workplace, and those in manager roles are required to adapt while also looking out for the well-being of their teams. Often, this leads executives to feel pressure to provide answers that they don’t have.

What Challenges Do Executives Face with Remote Work?

Let’s face it - despite its advantages, remote work comes with its own challenges, in addition to exacerbating pre-existing issues. With the rising number of unique work models becoming routine in recent years, there are most likely many staff members in your organization who are currently working from home. As a leader, it’s important to be aware of what challenges are causing the divide to take proactive measures, such as investing in a leadership coaching program. Dive into 4 issues that executives face with remote work:

Miscommunications and Delayed Feedback

One thing that executives working remotely have in common is physical isolation from their coworkers, resulting in all interaction becoming virtual. It makes it more difficult for individuals to collaborate and work through roadblocks together. Instead of turning to the person in the next cubicle, they must reach out and wait for a message or call to be returned – slowing down projects or giving up on them in the first stage.

Teams must relearn body language and cues that they became accustomed to seeing in others that allowed them to efficiently communicate, and this can feel like we’re back at square one. Being unable to clearly explain yourself, your ideas, and what you need help with virtually can be stressful! Similarly, expanding on advice and solutions can be misunderstood when lacking free-flowing dialogue. Set clear, and straightforward guidelines for your employees that will help them understand the ‘what, when and why’ of appropriate interaction.

Building Connections

One of the most effective methods to create a loyal, fulfilled, and successful team is to build trust and relationships with them. Executives who have the experience of a leadership coaching program can assess their employees individually using a human-centered approach and determine what leadership style is best suited.

But, with employees working from home it becomes more difficult to read their emotions and responses to situations accurately, along with decreasing the likelihood that they’ll be forthcoming with personal information. This is when leaders must learn that there are many ways to approach compassionate leadership – and work harder to build these relationships back up remotely!


Remaining productive and on task is something that managers have little control over when their employees are out of the office, and it can cause overbearing attitudes when having conversations about performance.

It is true. How do you know that your employees are doing what they say they are? Well, maybe you should e-mail them again and ask their status.

Stop being a helicopter leader!

It’s more effective to delegate tasks and trust your team to complete them as intended, rather than asking for continuous updates and controlling access to their logged hours. Your team will feel validated in their position, and responsible for submitting great work if you show that you know they can impress you.

Growth and Development

Having a growth mindset is a perspective that encourages positivity, support, and success in the workplace. In fact, research has shown that being surrounded by those who share this mindset inspires more trust and loyalty to the company.

When coworkers are unable to physically respond to each others uplifting energy, it discourages them from taking steps to propel their careers. It strips them of their motivation! They stop themselves from taking risks because of the unknown and are less inspired by the success of those around them.

What Does this Mean For Executives?

If you’re feeling a disconnect between yourself and your team and witnessing the downward spiral it inspires, it might be time to consider implementing a leadership coaching program that will turn these problems into solutions and drive future success.

Adjusting to remote work can make it easy for employees to silently become comfortable where they are or remain uneasy with the change – both lead to challenges that leaders will face.

To succeed in a managerial role, its important to treat your team with compassion, while striving to create solutions for the issues you recognize. How are you maintaining remote connections?

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