
6 Ways Managers Can Improve Their Constructive Feedback

Charlie Medakovic
April 24, 2024
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One of the most daunting tasks for managers is providing constructive feedback, especially when it relates to things like performance reviews. Constructive feedback is tough because it demands a balance between maintaining a positive relationship and ensuring the feedback is clear and effective enough to inspire improvement. It’s never easy calling out your employees faults and downfalls, but it is crucial to their growth. In this article we will explore 6 easy ways to give better constructive feedback to ensure you both maintain a strong relationship with your people, but also provide them with the tough conversations they need to grow.

1. Be Specific and Objective

Avoid being vague to minimize the risk of confusion and misunderstanding. During performance reviews or any other potentially threatening environment, people tend to go into survival mode and have a hard time rationalizing and understanding. The best way to combat this is by focusing on specific behaviours or events and using clear examples to illustrate your points. This way the recipient can understand exactly what actions need to taken.

2. Ensure Privacy and Discretion

When dealing with constructive feedback, it is essential to ensure discretion and sensitivity. Giving negative feedback in public can embarrass the recipient and may foster resentment or insecurity. Always provide constructive criticism in private to maintain respect and dignity. It is your job as a manger to make your people feel safe and secure when they come into work.

3. Have a Plan to Avoid Overloading

Before meeting with the employee, plan out the key points you wish to address with them. Prioritize the most important points and give them time to absorb and apply the changes. One of the worst mistakes you can make in this scenario is overloading the recipient with too much feedback, which will only lead to confusion and frustration.

4. Actively Practice and Grow Your Communication Skills

Giving good constructive feedback really just boils down to having strong communication skills. Luckily, this is something that can be easily improved upon. Consider asking for regular feedback yourself, working with a mentor, or participating in executive leadership coaching. Implementing these strategies not only helps managers refine their communication skills but also ensures they stay relevant and effective in their leadership roles amidst changing business environments.

5. Encourage a Two-Way Conversation

Feedback should be an open dialogue, not an interrogation. Encourage employees to share their perspective and engage in a conversation. This helps them feel heard and valued, and may provide you with new insights.

6. Follow Up

To maximize improvement and growth, give your employees some time to develop after receiving your feedback and schedule a follow up with them. Use this follow up meeting to discuss progress and reassess goals. This demonstrates your commitment to your employees’ development and ensures that feedback leads to meaningful improvements.

To summarize, providing good constructive feedback is essential for inspiring growth and sustained development for your teams. By actively improving communication skills and incorporating these feedback techniques, managers can foster a supportive and dynamic work environment that values improvement and open communication. To learn more about communicating with your teams, check out our other articles or get in touch!

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