
Effective Teams Drive Results AND Build Relationships

August 8, 2019
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The leaders we work with are constantly focused on driving change and growing the business which means they need to instill this vision into their teams. In order to do this many leaders focus their attention on bringing together the best talent and driving for results.

Too often we hear from leaders, “I have an entire team of top talent and yet they are not achieving the results we need. I’ve created clear metrics and timelines…I don’t get it!”

James Zenger conducted a survey asking 60,000 employees to identify how different characteristics of a leader combine to affect employee perceptions of whether the boss is a “great” leader or not. Below are some of the results.

  • Results-oriented leaders are rated as good leaders 14% of the time
  • People-oriented leader are rated as good leaders 12% of the time
  • Leaders with both strong results orientation and social skills are rated as good leaders 72% of the time

The combination of being able to be effective at driving results and building relationships seems to be the key for being perceived by others as an effective leader.

Leaders that experience our RQ-Relationship Intelligence™ tool are sometimes surprised at the results. One executive at his RQ Debrief session last week indicated, “I was surprised at my overall results. I thought I was better at relationships! (he laughs) However, in digging into the details of my report I can see my strengths and can also clearly see where I may unintentionally have a negative impact on others.”  What an awesome realization! Through awareness he now has the power to build stronger relationships.

Our experience, along with many recent studies, shows that great teams are successful because they are great at both driving for results and building strong relationships with each other and with other stakeholders.

How Are Your Relationship Skills?

  1. When you are in conversation with others do you listen more than you speak?
  2. How do you create psychological safety for your team and others?
  3. How do you demonstrate your commitment to the success of those around you?
  4. Do you encourage your team to challenge the status quo?
  5. How often do you own up to mistakes and share failure?

Effective leaders have, and encourage in their teams, good relationships skills. They build a culture of safety, trust which then translates into everyone driving for excellence together.

Want to learn more about your Relationship Intelligence? Click here:

7 Ways Leaders Can Build a “Coaching Culture” for Employees

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