
Excellent Examples of Transparency in the Workplace

Cheryl Breukelman
December 6, 2021
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You may be afraid to say too much as a leader in the workplace. Still, your employees want to know everything about the company that they invest a third (or more) of their lives into. Like any relationship, showing transparency in business is essential. You must build the bond with your employees based on trust. That starts with giving them reasons to believe what you say and follow what you do, but what is transparency, and what does it look like? Use these excellent examples of transparency in the workplace to start creating a better company culture.

Disclose Ideas

Even if they don’t pan out, it’s safer to inform staff about potential changes rather than spring it on them last minute. For instance, one of the best tips for relocating your office is to talk to your staff. Work with them to organize the move and loop them into the details about where you plan to put the office. People may need to make accommodations if the move impacts their commute. Including your employees in the discussion will encourage them to feel loyal to you and the business, bettering the company culture overall.

Make Salaries Public

Publishing the salaries of everyone in the company prevents people from being paid unfairly. Being open about which positions receive certain pay and why involves algorithms and calculators to account for how much time a person has worked at the company and more. Making this information public helps people understand their pay grades.

If this is a method your company utilizes to encourage transparency, also consider group coaching programs for you and your employees to drive proper communication in the workplace through the learned coaching culture. This avoids adopting a command and control culture at your company, which is important towards individuals feeling valued and comfortable within their roles.

Follow Up on Promises

Stick to your word. Though it’s a challenging thing to do as your company expands, it’s worth it to stand by the promises you make. Especially if you are an executive or leader in your company, people are more likely to remember what you say, so be careful with your words and follow up with people who reach out to you.

Bring Your Whole Self To Work

Build trust with your employees by bringing your whole self to work. Don’t put on a façade; let people see the real you. You can form relationships with everyone in your company when you talk about your life. This will allow others to do the same, creating a culture of trust in your workplace.

Use these excellent examples of transparency in the workplace as a model and craft an improved company culture based on honesty and truth. Follow these tips and talk to your employees about what they need to feel safe and heard at work.

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