Twelve years ago, after retiring from teaching, Sister Carole Anne Guay started Hamilton Out of the Cold. In that time HOOTC has provided hundreds of thousands of hot meals to the homeless and working poor of Hamilton as well as a warm, safe place to sleep for many. Sister Carole Anne has been able to rally many volunteers and supporters from different communities in Hamilton. The supporters come from many different Christian denominations, as well as Jewish and Muslim communities and people who belong to none of the above.
So what have I learned from Sister Carole Anne? She epitomizes the very best of servant leadership, combined with passion for a cause and faith. She is able to create amazing things in our community with little or no dedicated resources. She is humble and generous while never taking her eye off the goal. Sister's passion for service and treating HOOTC guests with respect is infused in the organization and delivered by hundreds of volunteers.
If leadership is about creating things and getting things done through others, then Sister Carole Anne is a truly gifted leader. I am inspired by Sister Carole Anne and optimistic that she represents a brand of leadership that is on the ascent!