
Why Agile Leadership is More Important Than Ever in 2024

Charlie Medakovic
April 16, 2024
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One of the biggest lessons we learned from the pandemic is that any point, almost any business can be hit with massive change fast. If leadership can’t adapt to change quickly, the business suffers drastically. This is why we have been hearing phrases like agile leadership tossed around so much over the last few years. Agile leadership isn’t just some buzzword; it represents a shift in the approach to leadership in an ever changing and volatile business world.

How is Agile Leadership Different From a Standard Leadership Approach?

The real difference that sets agile leadership apart from a conventional approach is the way long term planning and decision making happens. In a more formal leadership approach, big decisions are made by the “higher ups”, and planning is typically made around a long term plan, with distant goals.

An agile leadership approach is much more holistic as decisions are made based around new issues, new goals, and what is currently going on. Culture and community are emphasized in this method so that all members of the organization are involved in decision making, rather than a hierarchical approach.

What are the benefits of Agile Leadership?

Agile leadership provides many benefits that a conventional leadership approach never could. By placing an emphasis on collaboration, open communication, and  innovation you will reap the benefits of an informed team that feels valued. Here are just 3 of the benefits organizations with an agile leadership approach typically see.

1. Increased Talent Retention

Nobody likes it when they feel they don’t have a voice. By implementing agile leadership, you ensure that everyone in the org gets a chance the share their thoughts and opinions. This will make everyone feel much more valued, and in turn increase your talent retention. By having a more collaborative environment, employees also have more insight into other areas of the company and can see their potential for growth.

2. High Survivability + Less Stress

Organizations that can’t adapt quickly don’t survive long. With out the benefits of an agile leadership approach, you risk moving to slowly and taking too long to evolve to the current times.

An agile leadership approach will help decisions get made quickly, ensuring that the business adapts to the times quickly. With the increased sense of openness and collaboration, your teams will also be less stressed knowing that they are in the loop, and no surprises are coming their way.

3. Collective Decisions are Informed Decisions

The traditional approach of gathering all of the top executives for important decisions is obsolete. Without hearing from different levels of different departments, you are not getting all the information you could, and in turn are making a much less informed decision. By getting everyone in the organization involved, you can approach your decision making with the most informed decision possible.

In summary, agile leadership is as relevant in 2024 as it has ever been. When organizations strive for a culture of openness and collaboration, decisions can be made much more quickly and be much more informed. Not only will this help the business overall, but it will also increase things like talent retention, survivability, and employee burnout. If you are looking for some help upskilling your leaders to be more agile, set up an appointment to learn how we can help with a leadership development program.

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