RQ Relationship Intelligence™

Great leadership balances results and relationship-focused leadership. Strong team relationships are essential for producing the results needed to grow the business. Relationships are not just nice to have; they are critical to success.

Great leadership balances results and relationship-focused leadership.
RQ Relationship Intelligence™ Report For Leaders

RQ Relationship Intelligence™ Report For Leaders

We’ve distilled 20 years of relationship-focused leadership insights into a simple structure with Dr. Nancy Salay. Through our RQ Relationship Intelligence™, leaders can examine 5 key elements of relationship skills to build stronger connections and improve results. The RQ Report provides insights into strengths and areas for development, along with a Companion Guide offering solutions for improvement. This serves as an excellent starting point for coaching programs, helping leaders set goals and work with executive coaches to enhance their leadership skills.

How Do Strong Relationships Impact Performance?

As a coaching company, we believe strong relationships are essential for solving business problems, generating new ideas, and accelerating results. The core elements we coach leaders on — such as influence, executive presence, and impact — are all rooted in relationship skills.

Benefits of Good Relationships

Benefits of Good Relationships

People take risks for leaders who have their best interests in mind.

Suppliers and vendors trust and give the benefit of the doubt to reliable partners.

Employees work harder and show greater loyalty to leaders they like.

Strong relationships help leaders build influence.

People feel empowered to address and resolve difficult issues.

Drawbacks of Weak Relationships

Drawbacks of Weak Relationships

People withhold information from leaders they don't trust.

Leaders who fail to form strong bonds with their teams struggle to achieve results.

Weak relationships prevent leaders from working together and sharing resources.

Employees are slow to speak up about problems.

Weak relationships encourage toxic behavior among employees.

How the RQ Relationship Intelligence Model™ Works

Our model includes five key elements of relationships, each offering unique benefits on the technique/mindset continuum. It's natural to excel in some areas and struggle in others.


Engaged and attentive

Having Purposeful Conversations

Listening, Questioning, Speaking


Being Loving


Problem Solving


Being Authentic, Being Whole




Being Authentic, Being Whole





Critical Thinking

Emotional Distance

Safe Haven

Abstract Thinking


Non-Attachment, Letting Go


Being Loving


Problem Solving



Critical Thinking

Emotional Distance

Safe Haven

Abstract Thinking


Non-Attachment, Letting Go

Connect with Our Experts

Ready to elevate your leadership? Book a call to discuss your goals and explore how our tailored programs can help you succeed.