
6 Tips for Holding more Valuable Meetings

Charlie Medakovic
May 24, 2023
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Holding engaging and productive team meetings doesn't have to be a daunting process. With careful planning and the right approach, you can facilitate meetings that not only foster collaboration and drive progress but also infuse energy and enthusiasm into your team. This blog post delves into six practical strategies you can start implementing today to make your team meetings more valuable and impactful.

1. Set Clear Intentions for the Meeting

It's essential to respect the precious time of your team members by providing a clear purpose for each meeting. Holding a meeting without a specific intention is akin to setting off on a journey without a destination in mind. This isn't a recipe for excitement or engagement. By establishing the meeting's intent beforehand, you help attendees understand what to expect and what is expected of them.

Setting an intention doesn't mean each meeting must revolve around a high-stakes goal or critical task. Whether it's a strategic planning session or a casual check-in, attendees will be more engaged and responsive when they comprehend the meeting's purpose and their role within it. If everyone enters the meeting with a clear understanding of its intention, you'll find that your meetings are more focused, productive, and engaging.

2. Be Prepared

Preparation is the cornerstone of effective leadership, and this is especially true when it comes to meetings. Taking the time to prepare adequately allows you to bring more value to the table. Start by asking yourself key questions such as: What is the purpose of this meeting? How can I ensure the attendees gain value from it? How can I steer the meeting to accomplish this value? What resources do I need to improve the meeting's quality? Being strategic about what you want to cover and preparing for will make the meeting more relevant and interesting to the team members too.

If you have a recurring team meeting, you can create a standard structure for your meetings to make preparation easy, yet meaningful. For example, you might have a standard opening and closing for every meeting, no matter what else is going on.  You could open with a quick check in or a warm-up exercise to get all the voices in the room. You might also choose to close every meeting with a recap of actions or a closing round-table where everyone shares their insight or takeaway. You pick the structure that works for you and your team.  The structure gives you a starting point for preparation and it creates some continuity and stability for the team.

Your preparation may take different forms, but the crux lies in being adequately equipped. A well-prepared meeting leader is like the conductor of an orchestra, capable of guiding the ensemble to create a harmonious symphony.

3. Incentivize Attendance

Although attending regular meetings is simply a normal part of most jobs, some meetings don’t fit in this box. When meetings are impacting other people’s schedules and work balance, it is important to recognize this. 

And, the reality is, that many team members were working at home almost exclusively for last two years. Coming back to the office for any office time has team members reflecting on the worth and benefit. Making sure office meetings are meaningful is key. The more compelling, the better.

Providing incentives for meeting attendance is an effective way to ensure everyone present is invested in the process. This is particularly important for meetings requiring travel or significant time commitments. Offering small rewards like a complimentary lunch or a special coffee bar can transform your meeting from a mundane obligation into a rewarding experience. A little token of appreciation can go a long way in boosting morale and creating a more enjoyable meeting environment.

4. Lead with Questions, Not Answers

Contrary to popular belief, effective leadership isn't about having all the answers. Instead, it's about asking the right questions. Encouraging open dialogue and fostering a culture of curiosity can lead to more insightful and creative solutions. By asking challenging questions and welcoming diverse perspectives, you not only humanize yourself as a leader but also empower your team members. It gives them a voice and an opportunity to contribute to critical discussions, thereby fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility among the team.

You can adopt this practice in your meeting in a few different ways. One thoughtful and meaningful way is to be proactive. In your meeting preparation, you can reflect on what issue, challenge or opportunity you would appreciate team ideas and feedback in that meeting. Table the topic with your team and then ask questions to draw out their insights and solutions. You might ask, “What’s possible?” or “What do you think might get in our way?” or “What has worked in the past?” or any number of questions to empower and draw on the wisdom of your people.

5. Incorporate Activities and Games

The adage, 'All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,' holds true in the context of meetings too. Incorporating fun activities or games can make meetings more engaging and enjoyable. Icebreakers and team-building exercises are not just for summer camps—they're useful tools for boosting team morale and fostering better relationships among team members.

For instance, TeamTalk by Hubu, is an innovative online game that encourages team members to share and connect with each other. Participants draw a card and follow the prompt to share something with a colleague. The game offers different difficulty levels, allowing you to tailor the experience to suit your team's comfort level. Activities like these can significantly enhance the atmosphere of your meetings, promoting camaraderie and open communication.

6. Bring in a Team Coach to Guide the Meeting

Sometimes, the complexity or significance of the meeting topic may warrant external assistance. When addressing critical issues or introducing major changes such as implementing new company values, it can be invaluable to bring in a team coach to support you in the meeting. These coaches can add depth to your meetings by conducting workshop-style activities and interactive exercises that achieve the outcomes you're trying to deliver.

Team coaches keep meetings focused, encourage participation, and manage group dynamics effectively. They can ensure that all viewpoints are heard and considered, preventing any dominant voices from overshadowing others. Their presence can bring an objective perspective, allowing team members to discuss sensitive topics more openly and honestly.

Moreover, bringing in a team coach can free-up leaders to participate more fully in the meeting, rather than focusing on managing the meeting's flow and dynamics. This way, you can engage more deeply in discussions, bringing your unique perspective as a leader to the table. Remember, the value of meetings lies not just in the exchange of information, but also in fostering stronger connections among team members. The energy, engagement, and camaraderie that result from well-facilitated meetings can significantly contribute to your team's productivity and morale.

In conclusion, holding more valuable team meetings involves a mix of careful planning, active participation, and creative thinking. By setting clear intentions, preparing adequately, incentivizing attendance, leading with questions, incorporating activities, and bringing in a team coach when needed, you can transform your meetings from obligatory time-fillers into dynamic, engaging, and productive events. These six strategies will not only make your meetings more effective but also help foster a more collaborative, enthusiastic, and high-performing team.

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