
Leadership Responsibilities for HR Executives

Charlie Medakovic
February 13, 2024
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As a coaching company we believe that leadership is the foundation to success in every organization. It is the leaders that inspire people, build culture, and keep the business moving. But building, developing, and supporting strong leadership across the organization starts with HR. In this blog we offer 4 ways executives in HR can thrive in their leadership responsibilities.

Open Door Policy

The best way HR can support leaders in the organization is by establishing an open door policy. Establishing a strong sense of trust and transparency will ensure a deep understanding of the current state of affairs. By maintaining open lines of communication, HR can help address issues before they escalate, ensuring the smooth operation of the organization.

Investing in Leadership

The primary responsibility of HR managers is to ensure that the organization is not just led, but led well. This involves identifying key talent and high potential employees and providing them with the tools, training, and opportunities to develop their leadership skills. Leadership development and coaching programs not only enhance individual skills but also foster team connection and build company culture. By investing in these programs you are not only encouraging continuous learning, you are showing your people you value them by offering them these opportunities for professional growth.

Knowing When to Let People Go

One of the most daunting leadership responsibilities for HR executives is making the tough decision on whether or not to let someone go. Consider taking the following steps to bring clarity to the decision-making process. Start off by engaging in a casual conversation with the individual. Life's complexities, such as a family illness, might be impacting their performance. Offering a leave of absence could be a strategic move, not only aiding in their recovery from potential burnout but also in preserving valuable talent.

Consider the teams well being as a whole. An employee's negative influence on colleagues' performance and job satisfaction may indicate it's time for them to part ways with the company. If you're on the fence, establish clear boundaries and objectives with the employee to make a plan moving forward. Meeting these expectations can simplify your decision, providing a clear direction based on observable outcomes.

Staying Up to Date on What’s New in The World

In the ever evolving landscape of todays business world, you need to be up to speed on the latest trends and resources. Just over the last few years HR executives have seen a lot of change. New regulations have come in to play with more and more compliance to follow. Remote and hybrid work models have taken off. Investing in DEI has become a standard for organizations. The world of HR has changed quite a lot! The truth is things are always going to be changing, and to stay ahead of the curve HR executives need to be constantly learning. There are lots of great resources for staying up to speed. Try attending some HR conferences and events. Not only will they be likely to feature some great speakers and presentations, but they also serve as an excellent networking opportunity to build relationships with other professionals in the HR space.

HR executives play a key role in shaping strong leadership within companies. By establishing a strong sense of communication, investing in leadership development and coaching programs, staying up to speed, and knowing the right time to let people go, HR executives can ensure they are on the right path to building a strong leadership within their organization. At the end of the day, it is critical that HR takes their leadership responsibilities seriously.

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