
7 Great Questions to Ask Your Leadership Coach

Charlie Medakovic
April 14, 2023
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Leadership coaching is a powerful tool for professional growth, providing leaders with valuable insights, strategies, and support to enhance their effectiveness. A crucial element of coaching is the art of asking thought-provoking questions that help clients explore new perspectives and ideas. While your coach will typically lead these discussions, it's also beneficial for you to ask your coach questions to deepen your understanding and growth. In this comprehensive blog, we'll delve into 7 essential questions you should ask your leadership coach and explore the importance of each question in detail.

1. How do my assessment results reflect my leadership strengths and areas for improvement?

Starting your leadership development coaching program with an initial assessment can provide valuable insights into your strengths and areas for improvement. Assessments are designed to evaluate various aspects of your leadership, such as communication skills, decision-making abilities, emotional intelligence, and more. These assessments can be based on self-reporting, feedback from colleagues, or a combination of both.

Discussing your results with your leadership coach will allow you to better understand the assessment and its implications for your personal and professional development. Remember, some assessments can be complex, so don't hesitate to seek clarification from your coach. Furthermore, it's essential to approach these results with an open mind and a willingness to learn and grow.

  • When discussing your assessment results, consider the following:
  • Ask your coach to help you identify patterns or themes in the results.
  • Explore how your strengths can be leveraged to address areas for improvement.
  • Discuss the potential impact of your areas for improvement on your team and organization.
  • Develop an action plan with your coach to address your areas for improvement.

By taking a proactive approach to understanding your assessment results, you can create a strong foundation for your coaching journey and maximize your growth potential.

2. What actions or exercises can I undertake between coaching sessions to reinforce the concepts we've discussed?

Leadership coaching is most effective when concepts and strategies are reinforced and practiced between sessions. This helps to internalize new perspectives and behaviors, making them more likely to become lasting habits. Usually, your coach will have supplemental resources and homework assignments to help you expand on the concepts covered during your sessions. These materials can include additional assessments, TED talks, or team-building exercises to enhance your leadership skills.

Be proactive and candid with your coach by asking for specific recommendations that align with your coaching session takeaways. Consider how you can apply the concepts discussed during your sessions to real-life situations in your workplace. This might involve engaging in role-playing exercises, reflecting on past experiences, or discussing hypothetical scenarios with your coach.

Some additional resources and exercises to explore between coaching sessions include:

  • Reading books or articles related to leadership and personal development.
  • Participating in workshops or webinars on relevant topics.
  • Seeking feedback from colleagues and team members on your leadership style.
  • Practicing mindfulness and self-awareness exercises to become more attuned to your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
  • Engaging in regular self-reflection and journaling to track your progress and insights.

By actively seeking ways to reinforce your coaching experience, you can accelerate your growth and increase the likelihood of lasting change.

3. How can I continue to develop my leadership skills after completing my coaching program?

Your leadership development journey doesn't end when your coaching program concludes. It's essential to maintain your growth momentum and seek opportunities for continuous improvement. Your coach can help you identify the best path forward after your leadership development coaching program and provide recommendations for further development.

Some potential suggestions for continued leadership growth include:

  • Some potential suggestions for continued leadership growth include:
  • Renewing your coaching program or enrolling in a more advanced program.
  • Engaging in self-directed learning through books, articles, webinars, and workshops.
  • Participating in networking events and joining professional organizations to learn from other leaders.
  • Seeking out mentorship or sponsorship relationships within your organization or industry.
  • Implementing regular self-assessments and performance reviews to track your progress and identify new areas for growth.

By committing to ongoing leadership development, you can continue to expand your skills, knowledge, and effectiveness as a leader.

4. What support is available between scheduled coaching sessions if I need guidance or assistance?

It's crucial to have a support system in place between coaching sessions, as questions or challenges may arise during this time. Different coaching vendors offer varying levels of support, so it's important to discuss this with your coach and understand the available options.

For example, some coaching programs offer "on-demand laser coaching" between sessions, allowing clients to schedule brief, focused calls with their coach to address specific issues as they arise. This can provide timely support and guidance, ensuring that you have access to the resources you need when you need them.

Creating a peer support network is another effective way to access additional support between sessions. This might involve connecting with colleagues who are also participating in leadership coaching or joining online forums and discussion groups dedicated to leadership development.

By establishing a strong support system between sessions, you can maintain your momentum and address challenges as they arise, maximizing your growth potential.

5. Is it appropriate to discuss personal issues during coaching sessions, or should I focus solely on professional topics?

Leadership coaching recognizes the interconnection between personal and professional life. Stress, challenges, or changes in your personal life can significantly impact your effectiveness as a leader. Addressing these personal issues during coaching sessions can provide valuable insights and strategies for managing both aspects of your life more effectively.

It's essential to approach coaching with an open mind and a willingness to explore any issues that may be impacting your performance, whether they are personal or professional in nature. Your coach is trained to help you navigate these complexities and guide you in developing strategies for addressing both personal and professional challenges.

Remember that the goal of leadership coaching is to support your overall growth and development. If discussing personal issues contributes to this goal, it's a valuable and appropriate use of your coaching time.

6. What should I expect from an alignment meeting with my manager and HR team as part of the coaching program?

Some leadership coaching programs include a mid-program progress check-in with your manager and HR team. These meetings provide an opportunity to discuss your coaching progress, share insights and achievements, and align on future goals and priorities.

These meetings are not meant to be stressful or evaluative but rather serve as a supportive touch-point to ensure that your coaching experience is on track and aligned with organizational objectives. To prepare for an alignment meeting, consider the following:

  • Discuss the meeting format and expectations with your coach in advance.
  • Reflect on your progress, achievements, and challenges since the beginning of your coaching program.
  • Prepare a summary of your key takeaways and insights from your coaching sessions.
  • Identify specific goals and priorities for the remainder of your coaching program.
  • Consider any questions or concerns you would like to raise during the meeting.

By approaching alignment meetings with a clear understanding of the objectives and a willingness to share your experiences, you can ensure a productive and beneficial conversation that supports your ongoing growth and development.

7. How can I best apply the insights and strategies gained from coaching to my daily work and leadership role?

Translating the insights and strategies gained during your coaching sessions into actionable steps in your daily work is critical for lasting change and growth. By integrating your newfound knowledge and skills into your leadership practice, you can enhance your effectiveness and positively impact your team and organization.

Consider the following strategies for applying coaching insights to your daily work:

  • Develop a personal action plan with specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals that align with your coaching objectives.
  • Identify opportunities to practice and apply new skills, techniques, and perspectives in your daily interactions with team members, colleagues, and stakeholders.
  • Seek regular feedback from your team and colleagues to gauge the effectiveness of your new approaches and make adjustments as needed.
  • Engage in ongoing self-reflection to assess your progress, identify areas for continued growth, and maintain a growth mindset.
  • Share your coaching insights and experiences with your team and colleagues to create a culture of continuous learning and development within your organization.

By actively applying your coaching insights and strategies to your daily work, you can maximize your growth potential and drive lasting, positive change in your leadership practice.

Asking your leadership coach thoughtful questions is an essential aspect of maximizing your coaching experience and driving personal and professional growth. By engaging in open, candid discussions and actively seeking opportunities to apply your newfound insights and strategies, you can accelerate your development and enhance your effectiveness as a leader. Remember, your coaching journey is a collaborative effort between you and your coach – make the most of it by asking the right questions and taking charge of your growth.

If you're considering executive coaching, download our free executive coaching guide to learn more about how you can design your unique program.

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